This scale represents what 80 percent of those wor… You can use our NHS Annual Leave & Holiday Calculator, Frontline doctors and nurses given ‘repurposed bin bags as official PPE’, Unions call on the PM to grant ‘stressed and burned out’ NHS staff a pay rise in time for Christmas, Public sector pay ‘very likely’ to be frozen ‘at 1% for at least two years’, One-to-one nursing care for intensive care patients suspended. Select a pay band or view all pay bands. This table shows the difference between existing arrangements (1 per cent annually plus incremental progression) and the pay offer. Each year the Review Body on Senior Salaries (SSRB) provides independent advice … posts and many other similar posts. 0000002793 00000 n border:1px solid #C0C0C0; �p�41�����i` �m��#��P7~�� �T�Ώ��,X _h�!�1���L5+�X���]ת W?�c�;��D�F^�hL[��ح������{�)H�ζ2�� ����n�AO�{�_�Nz��k��� ��%���!��e���l�*�Os(��_6F(�Z������^8&��~�݆. Senior Artist. border:1px solid #C0C0C0; Not until you reach the higher GS grades are the grades given competitively. 0000018727 00000 n 0000002983 00000 n 0000039859 00000 n border:1px solid #C0C0C0; 0000008449 00000 n

4600. 1. For new starters incremental progression will work quite differently. ����_Ϝ�H�%r�T_t�IL0C�>�/�'/��kY%��xyt:��d�z��k�ȍ�"Mx�MWl�{g���'Nk�b���+�玃�?6��i)� �Vu��," �l�xL���ĖUa��"x|>W� �b����@�M��jt6���P H:��&_�;�o����VL�A.�������y�W'�)���tX %PDF-1.4 %���� All existing band 3 staff would be at the full rate of pay in the band by year 3. Pay Banding is oft… }, Use the pay calculator to see pay progression, All time on Saturday (midnight to midnight) and any week day after 8 pm and before 6 am, All time on Sundays and Public Holidays (midnight to midnight, 1.7% in 2019/20 plus a lump sum worth 1.1% paid in April 2019. improving starting salaries in each pay band by removing overlaps between bands. .demo td { 0000041890 00000 n 0000037642 00000 n deleting points in the mid-range of each band in years two and three of the deal. 0000008935 00000 n 0000042682 00000 n 0000018910 00000 n IV. More detail on the difference between existing arrangements and the pay proposals’ ‎can be found on this technical annex.

ARTISTS. 0000018841 00000 n .demo th { In addition to basing salary on education, experience and position, Pay Bands base salary on job performance. The pay band 3 applies to SDO, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR etc. 0000018614 00000 n The table below shows how this, plus increases to basic pay, would contribute to increased unsocial hours earnings over the three years. h�b``�f``�a```�€ 0000015183 00000 n 0000033015 00000 n background:#F0F0F0; 0000015732 00000 n Looking to calculate your holiday entitlement? You can use our NHS Annual Leave & Holiday Calculator. 0000002606 00000 n 7450-11500. The combination of these changes would mean different pay increases for different staff as we help more people reach the rate for the job more quickly – ranging from 9% to 25% over the three years.

0000065985 00000 n Band 1 Move across on 1 April each year Old pay point Closed to new starters 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2-3 Spot rate £17,460 £17,652 £18,005 For this, please use the pay calculator to see how the combination of annual award, increments and reform will affect you.

The goal of Pay Banding is to give supervisors the ability to reward performance more. 0000010843 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n This is not intended to show existing individual staff what their basic salary will be each year. 0000016898 00000 n


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