A cinematic triptych of three Tokyo-set stories. Thibault Patachou. Made by fans in Auckland, New Zealand. It’s an LGBTQ+ world and these are my other LGBTQ+ lists on Letterboxd: ➡️Minor Interest Films: In the Closet: A…, ArtsAmbition 1,642 films 5,541 83 Edit, OB-GYN Kenobi 3,799 films 7,367 109 Edit, Step One: Go to www.random.org. Film is no exception and one movement that emerged by the turn of the 21st century seems to suggest that the spirit of de Sade and Courbet is alive and well.

He begins a novel, sending chapters under a pseudonym to his publisher; his relationship with Isabelle moves beyond the fraternal; and, in winter, the frail Lucie comes to live with them.

As he searches for happiness, he becomes more and more miserable.
Pierre breaks off with Lucie and his doting mother, heading for Paris with Isabelle, intent on knowing the dark side of human nature.

still love leos carax though. Con Catherine Deneuve, Yekaterina Golubeva, Guillaume Depardieu, Laurent Lucas, Delphine Chuillot.

This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google privacy policy and terms of service apply. Local playback for videos. Durata 134 min. Undisciplined, instinctive, unhinged stuff like this needs to exist.

Definitely nihilistic, mean, cynical and ice cold. Earn 125 points on every ticket you buy. Directed by: Leos Carax. Isabelle / Pierre's half-sister Catherine Deneuve. Rated the #136 best film of 1999, and #9078 in the greatest all-time movies (according to RYM users). Without no knowledge of Melville's novel in which this film is based, I was still able to become engaged in the film's story. © 2020 TV GUIDE, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Use the HTML below. Impossible to rate a movie less than 4 stars that features a massive industrial band jam session in a squatter’s warehouse with the singer for Rammstein as one of the performers, “You dream of writing a mature work, yet your charm lies in your immaturity.”. Scott Walkers contribution to the soundtrack is, of course, a standout, and grabbed my interest where the most other parts failed to do so.

「ポンヌフの恋人」のレオス・カラックスが、「白鯨」で知られるアメリカ人作家ハーマン・メルビルの「ピエール」を映画化。才能に溢れた小説家ピエールは、豊かなノルマンディの自然に囲まれた城に住み、美しい婚約者を持つ青年。しかし、ある日姉と名乗る長い黒髪のジプシー女に惹かれた彼は、すべてを失っていくのだった。出演は、ギョーム・ドパルデュー、カトリーヌ・ドヌーブ、カテリーナ・ゴルベワほか。, アダム・ドライバー&マリオン・コティヤール主演のレオス・カラックス新作にサイモン・ヘルバーク, アサイヤス、カラックス、是枝裕和…巨匠が信頼する撮影監督E・ゴーティエが「帰れない二人」で放つ魅力とは?, 狂気の独裁者の少年時代は? ジョナサン・デミ絶賛の心理ミステリー、予告&ポスター完成, 父の遺産によって、母マリー(ドヌーヴ)とお城に住む仮面小説家ピエール(ドパルデュー)。婚約者リュシーとの結婚準備も順調だったが、彼の周りをうろつく謎の黒髪の女の存在が気になっていた。追いかけて問い詰めると、彼女は姉のイザベラだと名乗ったのだ・・・ 以前より「この世を超越する」と渇望していたピエールはリュシーも母も捨て家を飛び出し、イザベルと暮らすようになった。二人が結ばれてしまってから超越した人間への興味は失せてしまったけど、母のバイク事故死、リュシーの病気、そしてリュシーが自ら二人と一緒に住むことになったことで急展開する。アパートに住むインド人の少女が死んだエピソードの衝撃はすでになくなっていた・・・ううむ。 妄想と混沌だけの小説家。文学的なんだろうけど、そうした小説家の辿る末路は知れたもの。ただただ暗い雰囲気で進むストーリーで、イザベルも遊覧船から飛び込み自殺未遂してしまう。そして従兄弟であるティボーの存在。追いつめられるほどの確執があったと思えないが、ピエールに銃殺を決意させてしまった。小説家としての悩みのほうが重要な位置を占めているんだろうけど、このあたりはよくわからない・・・ ギョーム・ドパルデューは1996年にバイク事故。2003年には右足を切断しているという。そして2008年10月に急逝。本作でもバイクで転倒しているシーンがあるし、ドヌーヴのバイク事故死のシーンもひどく象徴的。, 見終わった直後の感想は、これがフランス映画だなって感じだった。丁寧な情景描写や半透明な諸人物の感情が随所に見られた。一方では、最初の空爆・活動家のacid演奏・血の河など衝撃的なシーンもあった。 「真実」と「偽」についてこの作品には偽あるいは嘘はいくつも見られる。母マリーが隠した姉イザベラの存在・ピエールが書いた「光の中で」・フランスという国に隠された闇(人種問題など)。それに対し真実と呼べるものはなにひとつ無いように思われた。 ピエールについてピエールは身がボロボロになりながらも、自らの作品作りを通して真実を追究していこうとしていたようにみえるが、本当にそうだったのだろうか?第一にピエールは、イザベルが姉であるか否かを敢えて追求しようとせず、一人の女性として愛した。第二にピエールは、イザベルとの関係を壊したくないがために、リューシーの正体を偽った。この背反な行動の中に編集者の言うとおりピエールの「未熟」さが有り、本人もそれに気づきながら苦悩したと思われる。, 寡作のカラックス監督が8年ぶりに手掛けた本作。テーマは「未成熟」だそうだが、正確には「未成熟者は真実にたどり着けない」であろうか。外交官の息子であるピエールは、美しき母と「城」に住み、天使のような婚約者もいて幸福な生活を送っている。そこに突如現れる「影」。母違いの姉を名のる黒髪のイザベルの登場で、ピエールはそれまでの裕福な生活を捨て、イザベルと生きることを決意する。それまでの明るい陽光の爽やかな映像から一転、画面は暗雲垂れ込める暗い映像に変わる。薄暗い部屋での衝撃のSEXシーンはリアルでありながら神秘的で、近親相姦を淫靡としてではなく、むしろ神話めかした美しいラブシーンだった。しかし「未熟さ」が魅力といわれている主人公が、愛も自分が書く小説も「真実」を求めて、不幸へ突き進む姿が痛々しかった。神々に愛されそうに美しいピエールが、イザベルと暮らし始めてから、目は落ち窪み、見た目も精神もボロボロになっていくのが観ていてとても辛い。そうまでして追い求めた真実が「模倣」とは・・・!カラックス作品の特徴である疾走感が作品全体を不穏たらしめ、息苦しいほどだ。真実を追い求めた青年が最後に手に入れたものは何だろう?母、友人、裕福な生活、未来、愛、そして姉・・・、失ったものは計り知れない。目の前の「真実」は彼にとって単なる「目くらまし」にしかすぎず、その虚構を信じて突き進む未成熟さ。独りよがりに「真実」を主張するイザベルもまた、真実の呪縛にがんじがらめになり、ピエールともども絶望の淵へ墜ちてゆく。真実は人から優しさを奪う。時には愛する人のため、優しい嘘も狡猾な嘘も必要だ。それが人生の「事実」。「真実」とは違う「事実」を知って、人は徐々に大人になって行く(成熟して行く)。青いまま堕ちてしまったピエールを、婚約者であるリュシーだけがただ待ち続けるだろう、時と共にゆっくり熟しながら・・・。, 【2週間無料トライアル】メジャーからZ級まで世界中のホラー映画・ドラマが《見放題》, 大ヒットホラー「クワイエット・プレイス」第3弾が製作決定2020年11月11日 09:00, 在宅医療に関するベストセラーを柄本佑主演で映画化「痛くない死に方」共演者発表 公開は21年2月2020年11月11日 07:00, ジェラルド・バトラー主演「エンド・オブ」シリーズ第4弾製作へ2020年11月11日 10:00, 菅田将暉×有村架純 人生最高の5年間を切り取った「花束みたいな恋をした」場面写真公開2020年11月11日 12:00, コリン・ファース、中国発大ヒットWebゾンビ漫画の実写映画化に主演2020年11月11日 11:00, 【国内映画ランキング】「鬼滅の刃」3週目で歴代興収ランクTOP10入り、2位「罪の声」は好スタート2020年11月3日 11:00, 【コラム/細野真宏の試写室日記】劇場版「鬼滅の刃」興行収入200億円突破はいつ? 「千と千尋の神隠し」超えの可能性は?2020年11月5日 17:00, ショーン・コネリーさん死去 ダニエル・クレイグ、ロバート・デ・ニーロらが追悼2020年11月1日 09:30, 「鬼滅の刃」×GUコラボ、第2弾が11月下旬スタート 秋冬活躍アイテムなど販売2020年11月1日 13:30, 「鬼滅の刃」興収157億、動員1100万人を突破!2020年11月2日 12:20, 在宅医療に関するベストセラーを柄本佑主演で映画化「痛くない死に方」共演者発表 公開は21年2月, 菅田将暉×有村架純 人生最高の5年間を切り取った「花束みたいな恋をした」場面写真公開, 【国内映画ランキング】「鬼滅の刃」3週目で歴代興収ランクTOP10入り、2位「罪の声」は好スタート, 【コラム/細野真宏の試写室日記】劇場版「鬼滅の刃」興行収入200億円突破はいつ? 「千と千尋の神隠し」超えの可能性は?, 「ストックホルム・ケース」(C)2018 Bankdrama Film Ltd. & Chimney Group.

It revolves Enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing Pola X near you. The alternate title: "The ambiguities" is quite appropriate. In spite of some melodramatic clashes, the film works wonders in the psychological minimalism department even if it sacrifices a great portion of the literary angle which could make even some more interesting discourses explode. cinema.

With Guillaume Depardieu, Yekaterina Golubeva, Catherine Deneuve, Delphine Chuillot. Definitely the most miserable, thoroughly unenjoyable and oppressive film I can remember. intriguing ~possibly incestuous~ relationship set up between pierre and his sister (catherine deneuve, luv u always) and lovely images akin to surrealist paintings (the mirror reflection of pierre kissing lucie with the sweater over her head is very dali’s autumnal cannibalism and that shot of her getting her wedding dress fitted is strange and breathtaking). As expected of a film about Truth, filled with maskings (a shirt pulled over during love-making; an ethereal veil; a crucial pseudonym), with unmasking leading to a kind of madness.

Yekaterina Golubeva. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Features: Easy to control TV with phone: pause, volume, forward/rewind, previous/next etc. Cast videos to tv. Becoming a rebellious individual, he turned against himself, his family and his belongings and tried to exprience a new version of himself in a new world with his new family.

Frustrated by the lack of intimacy in her relationship, a young schoolteacher goes through a series of intimidating and often violent sexual partners. Pierre lives with his mother in Normandy, not far from the banks of the Seine River where Victor Hugo's daughter drowned with her … movie theaters are playing Pola X near you. Genres: Psychological Drama, New French Extremity. Pessimistic worldviews. I love music too but there isn’t a letterboxd for music so I don’t think people know this about me (Gideon). Director Leos Carax shifts Melville's setting from the gloomy Massachusetts mountains to France's gloriously...read more, Mihaella Silaghi Paris by night. SEE DETAILS. We know life happens, so if something comes up, you can return or exchange your tickets up until the posted showtime. Newspapers even published headlines like: "Melville Insane!" Though not as good as "Lovers," it is still the unique vision of a director whom I believe made exactly the movie that he wanted to make. . The "X" might as well refer to its graphic sex scenes, which seem de rigeur in current French

I can handle the truth. Get your swag on with discounted movies to stream at home, exclusive movie gear, access to advanced screenings and discounts galore. Directed by Leos Carax.

Fandango helps you go back to the movies with confidence and peace of mind. You have my broken heart, Leos Carax.

Rack up 500 points and you'll score a $5 reward for more movies. "Pola" is an anagram of Pierre, ou les Ambiguities, the French title of the strange Herman Melville novel on which this equally strange film is based. It also gave me some Lars Von Trier vibes which I really enjoyed... kinda perverse, actuaciones *chef’s kiss* y repleta de imágenes fantásticas pero vaya ÑORDO de historia y guión, Darren Carver-Balsiger 858 films 18,062 1299 Edit. Clearly, he was mimicking the overly florid style of the now-forgotten Victorian Romances that were easily outselling his immortal "Moby Dick." Not his character, just *him* at the beginning of this shit, and only then because I feel like myself at peak attractiveness would kind of look like him, www.rogerebert.com/mzs/the-unloved-part-8-pola-x. A filmmaker holds a series of boundary-pushing auditions for his project about female pleasure. Eventually moves into more intermittent, scattered brilliance—the Dionysian revel at Thibault's; the industrial-orchestral…. First break-up, first ... See full summary ». Carax nearly separates the film into two distinct halves to the point that the second half has abandoned and lost all previous form that was present in the first half.

One of the most concise statements on the turn of the millennium ever put to film. Photo Credits: Netflix; Pop TV; Robert Viglasky, Hartswood Films; Fred Hayes/Disney+, Fox, PopTV; Bettina Strauss/Netflix; Nicole Rivelli/Amazon, Netflix, Frank Masi/Apple, Disney, Jasper Savage/Hulu; Diyah Pera/CW, What to Watch on Netflix Top 10 Rankings on November 11. Screen Reader Users: To optimize your experience with your screen reading software, please use our Flixster.com website, which has the same tickets as our Fandango.com and MovieTickets.com websites. Pierre, a young man of privilege, whose anonymously-published novel is a hit and who's about to marry his blond cousin, Lucie, abandons all when a dark-haired vagrant tells him her secret late one night in the woods: that she is Isabelle, his sister, abandoned by their father. A young writer becomes intrigued with a mysterious dark-haired woman who claims to be his long-lost sister and he begin an unusual relationship with her prompting a downward spiral involving his domineering mother and lovely fiancée. Nat Wolff can shoot lightning in this exclusive clip from 'Mortal', What to Watch on FandangoNOW: ‘Come Away’ with Angelina Jolie, Charlie Hunnam in ‘Jungleland’ and More, This Week in Movie News: ‘The People Under the Stairs’ and ‘The Painter and the Thief’ Set for Remakes and More. Whereas decades earlier, Truffaut and Godard aimed to set a precedent with socially-charged themes and a docu-realist style of filmmaking in…. His sensibilities are most definitely that of a stereotypical French painter.

"POLA X" is a fascinating adaptation of this novel, set in modern or nearly modern France. Some of the Chaotic Cinema Facebook page's favourite films, Jayce Fryman 18,689 films 2,949 99 Edit, This list collects every film from the Starting List that became They Shoot Pictures Don't They's 1000 Greatest Films.

David, an independent photographer, and Katia, an unemployed woman, leave Los Angeles, en route to the southern California desert, where they search a natural set to use as a backdrop for a... See full summary ». As Pierre searches for, and thinks he finds, truth, we become more and more uncertain what and whom to believe. but as I know that is the same director of Holy Motors I can say "wTF!!?!?!?!!!??!?!"

In the morning, he fled. This FAQ is empty. More details at Report this film. That movement is the New French Extremity, one of France’s most recent, ongoing, and peculiar phenomenons.

Definitely the most audacious literary adaptation of the past twenty years alongside BEAU TRAVAIL – also French/Melville (can we get that Lynne Ramsay MOBY DICK-in-space joint already?!).

All rights reserved. For a filmmaker as sui generis as Carax, this means that the film heads to some particularly strange places. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Cast to TV enables you to cast online videos and all local videos, music and images to TV, Chromecast, Roku, Amazon Fire Stick or Fire TV, Xbox, Apple TV or other DLNA Devices. Leos Carax's work up to this point has always been about the fantasy that film allows us through its spectacle. Rack up 500 points and you'll score a $5 reward for more movies.

Collect bonus rewards from our many partners, including AMC, Stubs, Cinemark Connections, Regal Crown Club when you link accounts. Alex, who's homeless and addicted to alcohol, and Michèle, who's losing her sight, form a relationship while sleeping rough on Paris's Pont-Neuf bridge. As a follow-up to his "The Lovers on the Bridge," Leos Carax's "Pola X" feels like a victory lap. The only thing scarier than living within the stultifying rules of society is breaking from them.

The longtime ABC holiday staple is moving to a streaming platform, Don't expect a COVID episode from this thriller, executive producers say.

Alex, 22, wants to become a filmmaker. Meet the cast and learn more about the stars of Pola X with exclusive news, pictures, videos and more at TVGuide.com Latest News The Best Sitcoms of the '90s and 2000s to Binge Watch Now Guillaume Depardieu Yekaterina Golubeva Catherine Deneuve Delphine Chuillot Laurent Lucas Šarūnas Bartas Till Lindemann Christoph Schneider Markus Kirschbaum Khireddine Medjoubi Miguel Yeco Bill Callahan, Leos Carax Herman Melville Jean-Pol Fargeau Lauren Sedofsky, Stéphane Thiébaut Jean-Pierre Laforce Jean-Louis Ughetto Béatrice Wick, Degeto Film Arena Films Canal+ Pandora Film, 134 mins   Earn 125 points on every ticket you buy. sex scene. Check out our editors' picks for our favorite Prime Video original movies and TV series, including "The Boys," "Fleabag," and more. The film is loosely based on the Herman Melville novel Pierre: or, The. The body is just a receptacle of temporary carnal escapism. O filme usa essas duas pontes num modo muito agudo, numa chave do prazer como risco (incesto) ou do risco como prazer (se a gente pensar a guerrilha, as fugas de moto etc) onde os personagens mergulham nesse jogo de cabeça.


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