Now she was "preparing herself with a truly angelic resignation for the sacrifice of her young heart's dearest illusions. A little dry at times, I soldiered on through the least interesting bits of what I consider minutia (e.g.
I know this is historical non-fiction, but some books in this genre are written like a novel. There was a problem loading your book clubs.
That being said, I found the historical aspects of this book fascinating and especially given the rise of internet speculation about this particular family. The rest of the family—backed up by his doctors—closed ranks against this idea. I have found his writing of complex financial topics to be both engaging and understandable.
The author has great access to their archives so it's hardly impartial and you woul. To list the rest here would be tedious. I respect the massive intellectual endeavor required to write this book, and in general think Ferguson to be a brilliant scholar... An intriguing study of a famous and powerful family. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service we offer sellers that lets them store their products in Amazon's fulfillment centers, and we directly pack, ship, and provide customer service for these products. Its the kind of book that you can read more than once to fully grasp all the detail. There were marriages outside the endogamous family, eventually even outside its religion. Disagreements about the accounts, he warned Lionel in April 1847, were leading "to a state of affairs that in the end everyone deals for himself and this then creates a great deal of unpleasantness."
Am well pleased with the purchase. The House of Rothschild is a fascinating study of a brilliant family that made a great contribution to history and the arts. I have read several of his books and for me, this two volume set is the best and well worth the effort to read.
A little dry at times, I soldiered on through the least interesting bits of what I consider minutia (e.g. I love to read about history, but Ferguson's writing style lacks the lure of a true narrative. (War tended to disrupt markets as well as harm people)., “While others unified nations, the Rothschilds were quietly unifying Europe,” using railroads as a binding factor. This was his first book that helped build his reputation as a meticulous researcher. Clause 12 of the agreement stated that "to secure an open and brotherly co-operation and the advancement of their general, reciprocal business interests" the partners would keep one another informed of any transactions worth more than 10 million gulden (c. £830,000), and offer participations of up to 10 per cent on a reciprocal basis.
Unfortunately, the structure of the firm meant that losses of the sort sustained by Salomon had to be borne collectively; his personal share of the firm's total capital was not proportionately reduced.
There was an error retrieving your Wish Lists. In addition, the rules governing the joint conduct of business were relaxed: henceforth, no partner could be obliged by the majority to go on business trips, while investments in real estate were no longer to be financed from the collective funds. At times, James talked as if even he would not be sorry to sever his links with Vienna. some of it went a bit over my head, i'm afraid. But that does not make it easy or enjoyable reading. Reviewed in the United States on May 16, 2020. This was partly a self-conscious strategy to exert the maximum posthumous influence, rather as Mayer Amschel had done in 1812; indeed, the exclusion of the female line was an idea he had inherited from his father.
Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Reviewed in the United States on November 6, 2016. The author has great access to their archives so it's hardly impartial and you would have to assume that it has a bias in favour of the family and capitalist mentality as a whole but not to the point that it is a waste of your time.
It has to be said that the prospect of being Willy's lifelong companion wouldn't entice a young woman brought up as she has been and blessed with a cultivated mind." Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 6, 2020, Well researched, well written. I think I read about 50 pages, and it was too much background without enough story substance. By that time, moreover, she had revised her opinion of the bridegroom.
Small bits of humor - most steeped in irony - pepper the pages adding even more flavor. Although notably partisan in her eldest brother's favour, Charlotte's diary details some of the ill-feeling this rivalry generated: Finally, it is important to bear in mind the anger felt in London and Paris towards the Vienna house after the dèbâcle of 1848.
Apparently the definitive "official" book about this family.
Only James was still indefatigable at fifty-six. Please try your request again later.
Should come packaged with a machete, because you have to hack your way through it. Monsters, ghosts, fantastic beings, and supernatural phenomena. Even before the 1848 revolution, there had been complaints from Frankfurt about the attitude of the London house. This first part of the Rothschild story is very dense.
Increasingly, he scribbled no more than a postscript to Nat's despatch and often concluded his suggestions about business—as if to remind himself that there was no longer a primus inter pares—with the telling phrase: "Do, dear nephews, what you wish."
I have thought about it and put in a clause [to ensure it remains their property for] over a hundred years.
You have to admire the scholarship and research.
I haven't finished this book yet and haven't started Volume 2 so this is preliminary review but I don't expect it to change. He and Carl also were conspicuously erratic in their attendance at synagogue (unlike their wives).
Not for every reader. "I have no interest in Vienna," he wrote to New Court in December 1849. Contrary to myth, they were generally pacifists. In a thorough, diligent study, Ferguson (History/Oxford) completes his grand chronicle of the family that achieved history’s greatest economic hegemony (The House of Rothschild: Money’s Prophets, 1798-1848, 1998). Even when on holiday in Brighton, Lionel and his family celebrated Yom Kippur, fasting and praying on the Day of Atonement. I loved the book, for reasons I mentioned for volume 2. BOOK REVIEW: FERGUSON, Niall - The House of Rothschild: Volume 1: Money's Prophets: 1798-1848 ASIN: B002VFPRVY Read March, 26 - April 22, 2017 The Adventures of …
I am a major fan of Niall Ferguson.
For the 2020 holiday season, returnable items shipped between October 1 and December 31 can be returned until January 31, 2021. How could so little be known about so powerful a family?
This is probably the best book of Niall Ferguson who much prefers giving us his opinion to doing real research. In the end, his share of the business was divided in such a way that James got a quarter, Anselm a quarter, Nathan's four sons a quarter between them and Carl's three sons the last quarter. Overall, I would recommend this book if you've ever wondered about the empire built by the Rothschild's and the barriers that they overcame. What if someone wrote a book claiming that the development of modern capitalism was the product of a secretive and inbred family of Jews, for half a century the wealthiest men alive, the bankers to every major European monarch, who gained their fortune as war profiteers in the age of Napoloeon and went on to control the international bond market and the currency exchanges of Europe, who pulled the strings of diplomacy and empire throughout the Hundred Years’ Peace when Europe ruled the world, a family whose hundred tentacles still extend, secretive as ever, through the banks and financiers of the world, and who are behind some of the largest and most sinister corporations of the last century, such as Rio Tinto Mining Corporation and De Beers Diamonds? Reviewed in the United States on May 27, 2019. Life of 1st Earl of Salisbury tells the story of a knight's life of battles, diplomacy and chivalry in 14th century England, Scotland and France.
Niall Ferguson is a fantastic writer, but if I may riff for a second... An amazing account of how one family defied social stigmas and broke through the proverbial glass ceiling to become the premiere banking family of the world.
Top subscription boxes – right to your door, See all details for The House of Rothschild, © 1996-2020,, Inc. or its affiliates.
Wishing to learn more about the legendary Rothschild family I identified Niall Ferguson's as the best possible source for objective knowledge. In his rich and nuanced portrait of the remarkable, elusive Rothschild family, Oxford scholar and bestselling author Niall Ferguson uncovers the secrets behind the family's phenomenal economic success.
The brokering of these alliances was, as it had been for nearly two generations, a major preoccupation of the female members of the family. The British partners received a variety of sweeteners: not only were they permitted to withdraw £260,250 from their share of the firm's capital, but the interest on their share (now 20 per cent of the total) was increased to 3.5 per cent, compared with 3 per cent for James, 2.625 per cent for Carl and 2.5 for Amschel and Salomon. You are not eligible for this coupon. This was doubtless gratifying to Lionel. You have to admire the scholarship and research. "What are you talking about?"
", Niall Ferguson is one of the world's most renowned historians.
10,000 rentes sold at 87 on September 12, 1842, etc.) While I usually consume books in a day or two, I picked up this book several times and couldn't get hooked. The House of Rothschild is a fascinating study of a brilliant family that made a great contribution to history and the arts. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. The Rothschilds kept this in their family by rearing their children to learn the business and preventing those who married in from being involved.
A fascinating review on the history of the Rothschild family. by Penguin, The House of Rothschild, Volume 1: Money's Prophets, 1798-1848. Amschel was seventy-seven in 1850, Salomon seventy-six and Carl an ailing sixty-two. For all his youthful vigour, James nevertheless remained deeply imbued with the familial ethos of his father's day. Bring your club to Amazon Book Clubs, start a new book club and invite your friends to join, or find a club that’s right for you for free. There is almost no detail too small to omit. It was a compromise which worked in practice. Carl's wife Adelheid died in 1853, followed a year later by Salomon's wife, Caroline.
I was interested to learn about the beginnings and financial emergence of the Rothschilds--The Red Shield dynasty.
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