There was a sudden knocking at the door. An engineering pass boy, who works as a WordPress editor on the largest student guidance portal, providing daily updates and preparation materials for school studies, entrance exams, college admissions etc. He asked Ausable about the police.

He is expecting to get an important paper. He also made Max panicky by telling him that the knockings at the door were of the police, whom he had already informed. He is a different kind of secret agent. 8. The young writer, the Fowler, had formed a very romantic and grand picture of a secret agent in his mind.

2. Ausable closed the door. About the Author. The waiter left.

I do not believe that Max deserved a chance to accomplish a risky task, as he his err very smart, gun.

What are you doing here in my room?”.

Fowler was a young and romantic writer. But Ausable told him the fact that he would never return.

He fell down and died.

He faces danger in his work.

How did clever Ausable outwit and get rid of his rival or enemy secret agent Max? Presence of mind, quick reactions and a fertile brain more than compensated the fat and sloppy man, Ausable. He told him that the balcony was a part of the next room.

After notes we have also provided important questions form that topics. He did not seem to be so smart, active, movable, aggressive and romantic as we read in books or see in films. Fowler was fascinated n by them and thought of them as mysterious and romantic. Ans. Fowler was very disappointed to meet him.

Ausable cooked up the police’s story. With whom was Ausable going to raise the issue of the balcony?

Ausable was a secret agent.

He found Ausable not cracking pistols or surrounded by dark-eyed beauties like James Bond. It needed a little extra protection.

About secret agent Ausable Ausable was a secret agent.

As against this, Ausable told him that he had no beautiful girls around him. His sharp brain could cook up any story that could fit in a particular situation. He was not able to achieve his target as Ausable was a boring man. • What is a spy like?

He has an important paper regarding some new missiles under his custody. Fowler was very disappointed to meet him. However, Ausable doesn’t present such a romantic picture. The man demanded the report concerning some new missiles from Ausable. He swung his other leg up and over the windowsill.

How far is it true in the case of Ausable, the secret agent? He told Fowler and Max that his balcony below the window had become a big nuisance.

He was staying in a French hotel. He was a clever spy indeed. Fowler jumped aside. Ans. He was outwitted by the cleverer secret agent Ausable. How and why did Max come inside Ausable’s room? Q24.

This episode shows that Ausable had great presence of mind. He also made him believe that the knockings at the door were made by the police. 6.

What is the important paper that Ausable talks of?

Deception through police And he knew that the waiter must have come with the drinks.

I do not believe that Max deserved a chance to accomplish a risky task, as he his err very smart, gun. This is possible only when you have the best CBSE Class 10 English study material and a smart preparation plan.

He told the police to check on him to make sure that everything was all right. Ans.

He was staying in a French hotel. He feels let down after meeting Ausable. A loud cry was heard and in this way, Ausable got rid of his crafty enemy. He fell down to the ground from the sixth floor. •

Horace Danby is a thief completely. He said that he had come there to snatch the report from Ausable which he was expecting to receive. Ausable’s facial expressions were so normal that Max could not believe he was telling lies to him. Ausable confuses Max with balcony So, go ahead and check the Important Notes for CBSE Class 10 English The Midnight Visitor from this article. He could speak French and German passably. This is a well thought out trap and Max unwittingly falls into it. This picture was based as it is found in books or shown in films. Ausable is a different kind of secret agent. Ausable was a secret agent. Ausable cooked up a false story to entrap crafty Max.

He would go and wait on the balcony.

The paper was so important that several men and women had risked their lives to get it.

So, Fowler wanted to meet him for some adventurous stories. Robert Arthur


Comment. Knocking at the Door: Max was standing erect not far from Ausable. Max told Ausable that he came there for something.

When he found Max waiting for him in his room, he made a story of a balcony under his window.

His stories were published in many magazines between 1930 and 1940. The door opened. This time he kept his name Hari Singh. However, appearances are generally deceptive. Ausable proves that presence of mind and intelligence are more powerful than a gun.

A guest named Fowler comes to meet him. The paper was so important that several men and women had risked their lives to get it. He might look fat and sloppy but was much more than that. In this way, he could keep his gun pointed at Ausable and Fowler. He fell down from the sixth floor and died. With the help of Notes, candidates can plan their Strategy for particular weaker section of the subject and study hard. Question from very important topics is covered by Exemplar Questions for Class 10. Actually, he wanted to confuse Max and make him jump out of the window to get rid of him. Ausable is a secret agent. He had a style of his own in the American language. At the beginning of the story, Fowler felt disappointed with Ausable because he did not at all look like a secret agent of his imagination.

It was with Ausable, and Max wanted to take it away by the use of his gun. Max swung a leg over the windowsill and shouted to send the police away.

Max was slender, crafty and had the face of a fox.


You envisioned mysterious figures in the night, the crack of pistols, drugs in the wine.”. The paper may well affect the course of history. 9. This is quite true in the case of Ausable. Max drops down This episode shows that Ausable had great presence of mind.

Ausable was a secret agent—a detective. Ausable had a room on the sixtli and top floor of a French hotel. He told Max that there was a balcony just below his window.

Ans. Ausable started in a simple but natural way the story of the balcony below the window of his room. Q31. Robert Arthur 3.

But one of his rival Max attacked him at the gunpoint, and he demands the papers. Ausable’: room. 20. What was someone expected to bring to Ausable’s room?

He had not lost the American accent. But inside that fat body, he had a very sharp brain. He wished that he should have entered through the balcony way. He told Max that there was a balcony just below his window.

He had ordered him to bring a bottle of wine. He was disappointed to meet Ausable because he was a fat sloppy fellow. He is very quick to react and can cook up stories that may fit in all kinds of situations.

Max told Ausable he wished he knew how Ausable’s men had obtained the report.

And thus, when someone knocked at the door, Max fearing it to be the police, jumped out of the window and died. He is very quick to react and can cook up stories that may fit in all kinds of situations. He also warned that he would shoot and take his chance. He got the intruder, Max, killed without firing a shot. Elaborate highlighting the values possessed by Ausable. He knows all the tricks of his trade. He told that he himself had sought the protection of the police.

Ausable did not fit any description of a secret agent. He thought they should look to be very mysterious and romantic but he found Ausable a very fat and boring man.

He had a pistol in his hand. But soon, he had his first authentic thrill of the day. He told Max that it would be the police.

A young boy makes friends with Anil.

Max reacted saying that he didn’t enter the room from the balcony.

If not, he would take his chances and shoot. Fowler was a young and romantic writer.


He found that Ausable was not at all perturbed.

Give a character-sketch of Ausable highlighting his presence of mind and intelligence. He did not even look threatening to Fowler except seeing apparent qualities will most likely be a failure.

But when he found Max in his room with a gun, he was thrilled. He was able to convince Max that his balcony had really become a nuisance. Explain. He could cook up all kinds of stories that fit in different situations.

He threatened him to obey.

He didn’t look like a secret agent as we read in books or see in films. He had come to grab a very important paper that was related to some new missiles. Max entered Ausable’s room through the ………….. (A) balcony                                         (B) main door, (C) back door                                     (D) roof. Ans.

If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. He went out of the window saying that he would wait in the balcony.

But when he met Ausable in a French hotel with a damp corridor, Fowler felt disappointed. When they both entered the room and Ausable switched on they found that a man was standing in the centre of the room. Max, in an attempt to hide, fell to his death. It was Max. When the door opened, he was standing there with a bottle and two glasses. 10.

What is it?

He grasped the frame with his free hand to support himself.

He was a writer of adventurous stories. (a) Ausable was disturbed with his room’s balcony window. The story is about a 15-year-old thief who changes his name every month to stay ahead of the police and old employers.

So, go ahead and check the Important Question & Practice Paper for Class 10 English The Midnight Visitor from the link given below in this article. What light does it throw on his character? Max showed his ignorance about the balcony and told that he entered through a passkey. Q13.

He told the police to check on him to make sure that everything was all right. Ausable very cleverly convinced Max that there existed a balcony below the windowsill of his room. Actually, there was no balcony below the window of his room. In the end, Ausable told Fowler, “No, he won’t return.”. He said that this was the second time that someone had got into his room through it.


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