Acetanilide is an organic chemical compound (meaning it's composed of carbon and hydrogen mostly) that is classified as an amide in terms of its functional group.

Already registered? - Properties & Overview, Piperazine's Effects on Humans, Cats & Dogs, Piperazine: Synthesis, Dosage & Structure, Amoxicillin vs. Draw 5 resonance structures of the below molecule. Acetanilide can be described by two resonance structures, with the one that places a positive charge on the nitrogen atom helping to explain why it is non-basic. - Structure, Uses & Hazards, Naphthol: Structure, Polarity & Solubility, Pentene: Structural Formula, Isomers & Uses, Propanoic Acid: Structure, Formula & Uses, What is a Biomaterial? Application of the PKCYP test to predict caffeine clearance mediated by CYP1A2 in a rat acute liver injury model. credit-by-exam regardless of age or education level.

It's chemical formula is usually written as C6 H5 NHCOCH3. Create an account to start this course today. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were injected ip with 1.5 milimoles/kg (3)H labeled aniline or acetanilide. It is also known as N-phenylacetamide, acetanil, or acetanilid, and was formerly known by the trade name Antifebrin. Quantitative determination of p-aminosalicylic acid and its degradation product m-aminophenol in pellets by ion-pair high-performance liquid chromatography applying the monolithic Chromolith Speedrod RP-18e column. Sulfanilamide belongs to a class of pharmaceuticals called sulfa drugs, which are extremely important for their wide range of medicinal applications. - Uses & Overview, Anthracene: Lewis Structure, Formula & Resonance, Fluorenone: Structure, Solubility & Polarity, Fluorene: Polarity, Structure & Solubility, Alpha Beta Unsaturated Ketone: Formation & Reduction, What are Hydrogenated Fats? The metabolism of 4-trifluoromethoxyaniline and [13C]-4-trifluoromethoxyacetanilide in the rat: detection and identification of metabolites excreted in the urine by NMR and HPLC-NMR. Log in or sign up to add this lesson to a Custom Course. Acetanilide is an odourless solid chemical of leaf or flake-like appearance. - Definition & Examples, What is an Elastomer? The mandelamide keto-enol system in aqueous solution. This is a very nice example of how resonance works. The primary focus of this lesson will be on a specific organic compound known as acetanilide. - Formula, Structure & Properties, What is Acetophenone?

Dissipation of alachlor in cotton plant, soil and water and its bioaccumulation in fish. Generation of the enol by hydration of phenylcarbamoylcarbene. - Definition & Examples, Partially Hydrogenated Fats: Definition & Examples. - Definition, Uses & Structure, Biological and Biomedical (2) Sketch What The 1H NMR Of The Aromatic Region For Each Possible Isomer Should Look Like. succeed.

Identification of the urinary metabolites of 4-bromoaniline and 4-bromo-[carbonyl-13C]-acetanilide in rat.


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