The guard is the largest owner of griffons in the city; it stables over 20 in the eyrie on Mount Waterdeep, and another six (plus Jhalathans beloved Firebeak) at the castle. Shindia can provide the following services: Shindia uses the statistics of a drow shadowblade. Benefits, The term architect is unknown in Waterdeep, though that type of work is not. Players may begin the game with free membership in any guild they are qualified for by background, proficiency or class. Livery: Blue shoulder-raincloaks, white shapeless hats Requirements: 15 gp (member), 5 gp (prentice); acceptance by agreement of Street-master and Council (five annually elected members); Dues: 3 gp/month (member); 1 gp/month (apprentice) It has grown rich through trade and by attracting some of the most successful adventurers of history, Approximately three miles from north to south and one mile from west to east, Waterdeep is securted by the Sea of Swords to the west and south and by the Trollwall to the North and East. Members: 300 Carpenters, 100 Roofers, 100 Plasterers; Resource Limit: 5,000 gp; The Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors: Mages’ guild. They all have bodyguards (the Lords limit such private forces of non-nobles to 16 armed men at most, as they do to all guild members and other merchants resident in the city) and take elaborate security precautions, hiring dwarven artisans and powerful mages to devise traps to protect their gold and their gems. Master: Azoulin Wolfwind Master Stationer (NE hm commoner 3)
Undermountain: No one can say how deep the tunnels in Mount Waterdeep run. This poor, friendly, informal Fellowship is run by a retired fisherman, Aybrauve Farfisher, as he was known of old, who buys fresh fish from fishermen docking in the harbor. Aybrauve sells these spoils to the Farmer-Grocers for fertilizer. Requirements: 25 gp (member), by application to the Council of Senior Merchants (members of the guild who have been members for 15 continuous years, or more) Dues: 10 gp/year (members), 15 gp/year (apprentices) Skill Training: Craft (carpentry), Craft (stonemasonry), Knowledge (engineering), Profession (engineer) Guild of Watermen. The guild also arranges large jobs (such as all the benches for congregations in a new temple, or the paneling and relief-carving of an entire mansion or castle) by lining up the needed Master Carvers and giving them Prentice Carvers to learn on the job, at a price of 1 gold piece per Prentice per day. Some are correct. Rush jobs (two days) cost double. Skill Training: Appraise, Artistry (weaving), Craft (cloth), Profession (merchant) You should check them out. The Surveyors’, Map, and Chartmakers’ Guild: Building designers, map makers, surveyors for building construction.
Skill Training: Appraise, Craft (leather), Craft (shoes), Profession (merchant) Home of the Nobility and the old money. Titles: Initiate = , Officer = , Commander = , High Commander = The hard work of this guild has paid off in the gratitude of the citizens (whose travel is now increased in speed and efficiency and cleanliness) and in money: Fees are 12 silver pieces/day per prentice and 3 gold pieces/day per member, in addition to the cost of materials and 10 gold pieces for food and drink expenses. Skill Training: Craft (stonemasonry), Knowledge (engineering), Profession (engineer), Profession (miner) Receive Your Faction's Insignia. Bakers Guild. Headquarters: The notable Guilds and organizations of Waterdeep are listed below. Headquarters: The Streets Office of the Loyal Order, Dretch Lane with adjoining warehouses for stone storage.) Requirements: 30 gp; acceptance by the Master Dues: 1 gp/month The watch observes the progress of these carts closely to prevent theft of the fish from the boys. A launderer never guarantees that your garment will survive cleaning, and Waterdhavians do not expect perfection (nobles usually have their own servants launder difficult or delicate garments, and buy new garments for themselves often). Benefits. (However, even the watch members only know two or three neighborhoods that well; Felthauvin and his runners collectively know the entire city! Skill Training: Profession (clerk), Profession (merchant), Profession (porter) Benefits. Skill Training: Craft (bows), Knowledge (nature), Profession (woodcutter) Titles: Initiate = , Officer = , Commander = , High Commander = Cellarers' & Plumbers' Guild 4. Titles: Initiate = , Officer = , Commander = , High Commander = The Fellowship of Carters and Coachmen: Those who own and use carts, wagons, coaches, litters and sleighs as their primary business. Guild members have a standing contract with the Lords to provide the signal-horns (also known as war horns or battle trumpets) for the guard. Livery: Gray cloaks and caps with an orange pickaxe, handle vertical and blade at the top This guild elects its master every seven years, nominating only candidates from within its membership, and eliminating the least popular candidate in successive ballots until a Master Musician is chosen. Members: 300 Masons; Resource Limit: 3,000 gp; Headquarters: Fellowship Hall, Waterdeep Way, Castle Ward (C39) Due to the amount of ships coming in and out of Waterdeep's port, their duties had them working round-the-clock. Rather, they pride themselves on giving a client exactly what is desired or needed, performed superbly. Skill Training: Craft (tools), Craft (woodcraft), Knowledge (engineering), Lore (wood)
Provide assignments for guild members seeking employment. d guarded at night, the City of the Dead contains both common graves and mausoleums of the noble families. Master: Kriios HalambarMaster Musician (LN hm expert 3), known widely as Old Leatherlungs, Halambar Lutes & Harps, Street of the Sword, Castle Ward (C25); Maxeene the Flute Rhiosann Lady Voice of the Council (NG hf expert 2), The House of Song Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oubliés (French), Carpenters', Roofers', & Plaisterers' Guild, Council of Musicians, Instrument-Makers, & Choristers, Fellowship of Salters, Packers, and Joiners, Guild of Glassblowers, Glaziers, and Spectacle-makers, Guild of Stonecutters, Masons, Potters, and Tile-makers, League of Basket-makers and Wickerworkers, Most Careful Order of Skilled Smiths and Metalforgers, Most Diligent League of Sail-makers and Cordwainers, Most Excellent Order of Weavers and Dyers, Order of Master Tailors, Glovers, and Mercers, Solemn Order of Recognized Furriers and Woolmen, Splendid Order of Armorers, Locksmiths, and Finesmiths, Surveyors', Map-, and Chart-makers' Guild, In most cases, he relies on his unwaveringly loyal councilors to conduct business on his behalf. Fishmongers' Fellowship 13. Plus, you get a 15-day free trial, so there's nothing to lose. Master: Sarjak Belszour Guild Master (LG hm commoner 6); Livery: Dark blue cloaks and long-peaked caps, with silver trim Many things that go aboard ships in Waterdeeps busy port, notably pickled fish from the Fishmongers Fellowship and the wares of the Vintners, Distillers, and Brewers Guild, require its barrels. Fellowship of Salters, Packers, and Joiners 12. Such businesses do take exhausted mounts for a lesser, trade-in value. If he dies in office, the Voice of the Council (the young singer Maxeene) will run the Council until the regular seven-year election time comes again (although she may of course run as a candidate in that election). Everyone buys his or her own scent: some use cider, some use wine, some use straight perfume, and some use strong herbs, but the guild provides various soaps for its members at cheap rates (1 gold piece per lo-gallon barrel). Members: 600 Bakers; Resource Limit: 6,000 gp; Provide any financial necessities for assignments (such as fees, tolls, or bribes). It is important to note, Sylgar is a completely mundane, non-magical goldfish. Headquarters: The House of Crystal, Copper Street, North Ward (N46) Most senior guild members, in their work of draining cellars or repairing the sewage plumbing of old buildings, learn the general layout of the city sewers in 2-5 (1d4+1) years. Large mercantile guilds could be extremely powerful and could control trade in their area of specialization. Master: Malutt Mauksoun First Master Carver (CN hm expert 5); Dannath LisosarSecond Master Carver (LE hf expert 2), Patient Fingers Finework, Sleepers Walk, Trades Ward (T20) They also make the simpler weapons, such as maces, hammers, and flails. Issue all monetary rewards for services rendered to the guild. Slan Thurbel, a human fighter of mixed heritage, is responsible for the hiring and management of all the mercenaries in the Xanathar's employ. There are never enough skilled merchants in this guild to keep up with the demand for new rope and sails; apprentices work on repairing sails (for ships whose captains cant wait a week or more for new custom sails) until they are masters of their craft, and training them in sail design is then a simple matter. Master: Belihands MaskerSenior Master (LG hm commoner 5); There are perhaps three dozen known aerial steeds regularly in Waterdeep in the private hands of residents, including pegasi, hippogriffs, and wind steeds. JavaScript is currently disabled. The tanners then process the hides to produce leather, suede, vellum, and similar byproducts, which they sell to other guilds for the making of clothing, Members: 400 Coopers; Resource Limit: 4,000 gp; Waterdeep has no formal Thieves Guild, with the last such instituion crushed in 1300 DR. Felthauvin is a major landlord in the City, and has become personally influential as a result (thus able to deal as an equal with many far wealthier and more essential guilds), and able to bankroll the guild in difficult times. Slink can provide the following services: Although Slink was a capable rogue in his youth, much of physical skills have atrophied. Livery: White jackets or cloaks with red diagonal stripes They welcome qualified (and dues-paying) members, and strongly resist attempts to ply governed trades by non-members. The Lords forbid formal price-fixing by the guild, but all meat is fairly expensive and similarly priced, being slightly cheaper in the docks area and slightly more expensive in the wealthy neighborhoods. Skill Training: Craft (alchemy), Lore (alcohol), Profession (brewer), Profession (merchant) Benefits. The recognized of the guilds title refers to the proud assertion that no member of the Order deals in secondhand, doctored, or stolen wares, but is above reproach. Deljassa has not been an active jockey or thief in over 15 years, and she is widely respected among Master: Ormbras DelzordMaster of the Flame (LG hm commoner 2);
Guild law ensures that meat is properly bled, hung, and smoked or seasoned in certain ways, so that it is as clean and in as good condition as possible, and without exception, the Normally, they do not do sewer work, the province of another guild, but the city, for security reasons, reserves the right when necessary to contact the Master of this guild to hire guild members to help in such work (by the day; the city pays 5 silver pieces to the worker and 3 silver pieces to the guild, per worker). Skill Training: Artistry (metal-work), Craft (tools), Lore (metal), Profession (merchant) The Jewelers' Guild: Jewelry making and gem-cutting Benefits. Requirements: 25 gp fee upon application to the Master; refunded if application refused; Dues: 2 gp/month Titles: Initiate = , Officer = , Commander = , High Commander = This guild is led by a former thief and jockey who turned to breeding horses rather than racing them after several bad falls, and thence to making her own tack, eventually rising to head this guild. This is one of the richest guilds in Waterdeep, and has a somewhat checkered history.
The watch typically patrols in groups of four, with one Civilar (captain), one Armar (corporal), and two patrolmen. Apprentice butchers pay no guild dues, but are direct employees of a member butcher. Road materials are provided by the Guild of Stonecutters (quarried stone and rubble) and agents in Amphail, Rassalanter, and Red Larch (timber for corduroy roads); the cost of the stone is undercut by the Lords backing, reducing the Loyal Orders cost to 3 gold pieces per block.
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