An order by the court which attempts to keep sex offenders from committing sex offences.

Police Misconduct, Complaints, and Public Regulation. The injuries required are such as broken bones or serious internal injuries. On first conviction each person is assigned a number which includes the year.

Pre Trials Issues. Usually a police van/people carrier which everyone outside of the police force call a "riot van". Imagine Windows 89 but on its last legs. When police either cannot get the evidence to convince the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) to go for a charge, the case is dropped and the person is told there will be NFA. Hertfordshire didn’t have a K Division until they took over the area covered by the Metropolitan Police in April 2000.

You can end up on this list from doing everything from patting a person of the opposite sex on the bottom against their wishes to the serial rape of children.

I have a particularly high respect for Herts Constabulary and their reputation for very comfortable cohesion of manpower and for being an altogether very decent force. In the UK prior to 1994 this was: "You have the right to remain silent, but anything you do say will be taken down and may be used in …

2007. Section 59 – Antisocial behaviour order vehicle seizure. Hence the phrase "snitches get stitches". FLO – Family Liaison Officer. For example which witnesses or evidence is in dispute and what can be agreed to be read out by either the defence or the prosecution. at a Training School.

Alternatively known in court as "an informant". ADW-- Assault with a Deadly Weapon ADT-- American District Telegraph company. Watford C Division, North Herts E Division. Any chance of some Refs"). Unless you're a police officer, it'd probably be meaningless. Usually a road accident involving a police vehicle.

Copyright Hertfordshire County Council.All rights reserved. Central station alarm company that serves both residential and business customers with security systems. I consent to my name and e-mail address being stored along with this comment, and to the website editors communicating with me by e-mail about the comment if necessary.

AIO – All In Order ("Sarge, I've check the house where the Demis Roussos was being played louder than a jet engine. In the old offence of common assault the charge will read that someone had been assaulted ‘by beating’.

Widick, B J. Detroit: City of Race and Class Violence.

Named because they were originally painted with large panels of black and white, or blue (usually light blue) and white. A bit like SPLB duty – Shuffle Paper, Look Busy.

A response offered when a MOP indignantly asks for the officer's name. 1989. Because you can't just call a hat, a hat.

("Sorry Sarge, I think I may have reversed the riot van into your new Audi"), OIC – Officer In Case ("Right, Constable Crap-driver, you're now the OIC on this abducted-by-alien complaint"). SOCA – Serious and Organised Crime. Where a vehicle is seized by police and may well be crushed because the driver had not insurance. RTC – Road Traffic Collision, which used to be RTA (Road Traffic Accident) until, as any Hot Fuzz film fan knows, vocab guidelines state police no longer refer to such incidents as 'accidents', they're now collisions. This is the environment where you encounter men called Dave with broken noses and leather jackets who keep money in large rolls, run a scrap metal merchants and can get you a shooter to go with a kilo of coke. ("Well Sarge, could he at least repaint the fence he's drawn a k**b on?

Thanks for this I have added it to the list, Sorry its taken me so long to get to this but have now included this. Law enforcement jargon is heavily used in police procedurals and similar shows. Any more suggestions Ill try and get to quicker, Your email address will not be published. Geographical Area patrolled by one officer i.e.. foot patrol, rural beat, neighbourhood officer, Brought In Dead (see also D.O.A. Big Red Key – battering ram for smashing down doors. The response codes consist of the word "Code" followed by a number; for example "Code 3" means lights and sirens.

Has had numerous names over the years including Divisional Admin and Criminal Justice Department, Slang for an arrest (From “feel his collar”), Complete Lift.


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