Office Facilities
Work cubicles
Internet and telephone connection
Storage cabinets
Photocopying and printing
Meeting room
Video Conferencing

Molecular biology
Equipment | Brand |
PCR (Thermal Cycler) | Applied Biosystems |
RT- PCR | Roche |
Electroporator | Bio-Rad |
Gel electrophoresis, blotting and Gel-Documentation | Mediccare Scientific |
Micro-centrifuge | Eppendorf |
Rocking platform | IKA |
Micropipettes | Tarsons |

Equipment | Brand |
Fermenter | Infors |
Autoclave | Equitron |
BOD Incubator | Remi |
Stirring hotplate | Tarsons |
Weighing Balances | Sartorius |
Laminar Air Flow | CleanAir |
pH meter | Eutech |
Shaking Incubator | Scigenics |
CO2 Incubator | Esco |
Biosafety cabinet | Esco |
Lyophilizer | Labogene |
Colony counter | Equitron |

Downstream processing
Equipment | Brand |
Ultrafiltration system | GE |
Benchtop Refrigerated Centrifuge | Thermo Scientific |
Ultra-sonicator | Labman |
Vacuum pump | Sh |

Equipment | Brand |
High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) | Shimadzu |
Gas Chromatography (GC) | Shimadzu |
Microplate reader | Tecan |
Microplate washer | BioTek |
UV- Visible Spectrophotometer | Jasco Analytical |
Trinocular Microscope | Labomed |
Moisture Balance | Shimadzu |

Storage and support
Equipment | Brand |
Water purification system | Siemens |
Deep Freezer (-80 C) | Thermo Scientific |
Autoclave | Equitron |
Deep Freezer (-20 C) | Cryo-tech |
Glassware washer | Scientific Innovations |
Hot Air Oven | AIC |
Microwave Oven | Panasonic |
Refrigerator | Elanpro |
Water Bath | Equitron |
Flake Ice Machine | Labman |
Dry Bath | IKA |

IITM Bioincubator Infrastructure
Phase –I, 3E-Block in IITM RP, IITM Bioincubator with Wet lab Facility and shared cubicles
- 3000 sq ft. laboratory space, housing all the equipments
- Sitting arrangements and workstations allotted to individual companies
- Equipment facilities are shared by all the incubated companies
- A meeting room with videoconferencing facilities

Phase-II, 5C-Block in IITM RP,IITM Bioincubator with Wet lab facility and individual cabins
- 8 Lab/office spaces for individual companies (~ 200 – 220sqft. each)
- Incubatees will have to bring their own lab. and office equipment

Department of Biotechnology Room no. 218 with shared space and Video conferencing facilities
- 700 sqft. space (Dept of Biotechnology, IIT Madras)
- Consists of only office cubicles and a meeting room with videoconferencing facilities
- Meant for pre-incubation and incubatees working in the area of Bioinformatics