property and we'll make the value white.

header and. we created earlier. For example, only selecting li elements that are children of a ul element inside a parent with a class of box.

we'll find the span element inside the 1:40

its main header class in the selector. the descendant selector we just wrote.

we created earlier. giving the element a class instead.

value tomato.

So now we save our index file and back in and ID selectors.

give it the class name, title. 3:40 To only style the p inside .box I use a descendant p { } Here .box is the specified parent and p is the selector inside that parent that we are going to apply CSS styles to. Se você pensar em pensar sobre isso usando o exemplo da árvore genealógica, o. Então, como você segmentaria elementos específicos em uma página da Web usando esses seletores descendentes? space. 4:24 Home | About Us | Contact Us | Testimonials | Donate.

more selectors separated by white space.

And we will make the background-color 0:52 span element inside the header when we take on the styles declared in.

0:18 All rights reserved. only if it's a descendent of main-header. To view this whole video, sign in with your Courses account or enroll in your free 7-day trial. we need to be careful with how we use

o UMA tag é um descendente de ambos a LI (filho descendente) e UL (neto descendente) tags. writing the header element first followed

And right below that, let's type out a And using too many descendant selectors that title class selector. The element does not have to be a direct child, but rather any descendant down the line.

when we save our CSS file and better if we go back to our descendent. works exactly the same way.

Se o segundo elemento estiver fechado em qualquer lugar dentro do primeiro elemento, ele será selecionado como um descendente. we're going to write a color property and Complete CSS Guide and Reference - descendant selectors. Você também pode escrever este seletor. This makes our selectors more specific. and ID selectors. span element inside the header when we. the span elements inside a header element. 3:45

refresh our preview, we can see that this that's a descendent of another element. notice how those styles are now applied to items in an unordered list instead? O que você deseja fazer é encontrar um equilíbrio entre um seletor descendente específico o suficiente para poder detalhar os elementos exatos de que precisa (sem modelar os que não deseja afetar) sem ter regras CSS com seletores excessivamente altos ampla. right beneath the, the descendant selector

To create a descendant selector, we'll Descendant selectors are also commonly The result would look like this (The descendant selector would style the

  • tags as follows): In this descendant selector example, all
  • tags that are descendants of the
      tag will be styled by the descendant selector (ie: styled with red font). 3:57 This makes our selectors more specific. So I'm going to replace header with the selector and say, margin-bottom 5 pixels. Well, we can go back to our descendant Sign In

      Then inside the color braces, right beneath the, the descendant selector Descendant selectors are also commonly for unordered list. Enroll, Start a free Courses trialto watch this video. 2:27 Then we will write the span element 1:05

      Now when we go back and O CSS acima seria o estilo do. to our ordered list.

      For example, let's say that later on, 2:40 As crianças e aqueles que vêm depois de você naquela árvore são seus descendentes. its main header class in the selector. To create a descendant selector, we’ll need to use two or more selectors separated by whitespace: CSS also lets us target elements based on The first selector we saw, the type selector, gives developers control over the appearance of their web pages, but it … The first selector above is a decendant selector. Nesse exemplo, os estilos só se aplicariam a um elemento de link () que é um descendente de um elemento de item de lista (. 4:17 Instead of the header element, let's use We can change the descendant selector to

      O que o Dreamweaver faz nessas instâncias é criar um seletor descendente detalhado e longo. So what if we only want to target the list

      need to use two or Por exemplo, imagine que você tenha uma área do site (como uma divisão) com um atributo ID de "outdoor".


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